Light hikes in the local area

Jotunheimen is not just about towering mountains, treacherous glaciers, and marked trails from cabin to cabin. To help you discover some of the other opportunities the mountains offer, we recommend a few shorter day trips in the vicinity of Spiterstulen. These routes are not marked in the terrain. Details of the route choice are left to you. To walk these routes, it is not necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of using maps and compasses. Consult with locals and pay attention to the terrain. There is always a cairn-marked trail or a stream nearby that can show you the way if you're unsure.

1. To Skautflyi – reindeer trail

Along the trail towards Glitterheim/Glittertind, at the height of "Skautkampan," there are several animal burials with stone arms and stone arches. Leirtjern is a fishing lake. Down along Skauta (Skautfossen) to old protected forest, diagonally down to the road. 4-5 hours.

2. At old ruins, - "traces of people"

Follow a small trail southeast of the houses. The path follows the ridge up to Hilstuguhaugen. Nice views in all directions. Follow the ridge inland towards Heilstugubreen, possibly all the way to the glacier's edge. Descend along Heilstuguåi to the foundation ruins of an old mountain lodge (sælehus, heilstugu) on the mountain road from Lom to Valdres, just west of the trail. Optionally, visit the old mountain pasture ruins across the Visa river. On the way back, you can look for an old hunting cabin, buried about 100 meters east of the trail, beneath Heilstuguhaugen. Approximately 4-5 hours.

3. Flowetrail in “Piggebakkom”

Cross the bridge, up along Pigg-grovi. Rich flora. On the plateau below Svellnosi, detour south to the height of 1915, Svellnosbrefallet in bird's-eye view. Back south over Vinterhaugen to the trail from Svellnosbreen. Approximately 3-4 hours.

4. Stroll in a disputed area

Over the bridge, along Visa north to the abandoned mountain farm (neighbor dispute 1850–56 with Supreme Court ruling and Mountain Commission). Directly up from the farm to the ruins of the summer farm. In the grove further north "Laugartjøynne" in idyllic surroundings. Approximately 1-3 hours.